My name is Charlotte Hoyng. I have been active in the study of giftedness in children and adults for many years. I strongly believe my biggest asset is the fact that both my sons and I myself am gifted. My experience extends to many aspects of the field:
– chair Gifted Children Committee, Mensa International Limited
– coaching the teachers of a school in Bloemendaal on how they work with their gifted pupils.
– board member of the Koepel Hoogbegaafdheid, delegated by Mensa NL
– Math and English teacher at primary schools for the gifted
– facilitator at Hint, an association for gifted children
– coaching gifted youngsters in secondary school
– supporting parents of gifted children
– lectures about design technology teaching and how to adapt it for gifted children
– writer of specialized learning materials for the gifted for the Leonardo Foundation
– lecturer for the Leonardo Foundation
– member of the Education Committee at Mensa NL
– teaching qualifications for mathematics, physics, chemistry, design technology and information technology
– native speaker English and Dutch